
    How the production scheduling API enables smart ERP interfaces

    Martin Karlowitsch
    April 23, 2021

    Last year, we released our production scheduling API and said that this was a major step. First, towards better integration with other systems such as your ERP system. Second, with 3rd party apps that we or others could build on top of the just plan it platform. With this blog, I like to shed a light on how easy integrating just plan it with any ERP has become.

    Concept of a smart interface

    Interfacing software solutions was a big nightmare in the pre-cloud era. Proprietary systems lived on their respective islands and weren't build to actually work with other systems (every vendor tried to maximize his business by making his stack as closed as possible). 

    Nowadays, with cloud software products turning into platforms that are built to connect and integrate with other solutions, this no longer is the case. A state-of-the-art technological foundation - as we provide it with our production scheduling platform - ultimately allows providing smart interfaces.

    These interfaces 

    • plug and play with your ERP system
    • are easily to be configured, and ready in minutes
    • fix data issues prior to data being sent from one system to the other
    • and ideally, come with context intelligence ... so that in the case of production scheduling they also provide suggestions for a better execution

    A smart interface for just plan it: Priority Plus

    The good news for us as a provider of the just plan it production scheduling platform is the following: thanks to the API, we do not have to build everything on our own. Our partner Production Priorities developed a just plan it app which is called Priority Plus

    Priority Priority Plus - connect JPI to any ERP system

    De facto, Priority Plus works as the smart ERP interface to just plan it. It provides out-of-the-box integrations to many EPR systems such as

    • acumatica
    • E2 shoptech
    • eci | JobBOSS
    • Epicor
    • Infor
    • ProfitKey
    • QuickBooks
    • Sage
    • SysPro
    • ViewPoint

    and more to come.

    For all those ERP systems, Priority Plus provides out-of-the-box a standard profile that consists of

    1. Predefined mappings
    2. Execution synchronization
    3. View, update, upload
    4. Automated or selected upload
    5. Updating and adding JPI data

    The rapid path to ERP integration

    The major advantage of pre-built profiles is obvious: what typically were weeks (if not months) long custom development projects in the past, now turned into a matter of days.

    It only takes a maximum of 3 days to fully integrate an already supported ERP system with just plan it

    These three days include the SQL connect, the configuration of some options (which a production scheduling specialist will do together with you), and a pilot phase.

    If your ERP system isn't on the list of supported systems yet, please let us know and we will get it there ... together with you.

    Smart interfaces are just one example of how you can benefit from the production scheduling API. Stay tuned for more examples to come.

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