Giro Engineering Ltd specializes in the design and manufacture of fuel injection pipes. Their Excel-based scheduling could no longer cope with the company’s growing operations. Hence, the decision was made to take production scheduling to the next level; they adopted to utilize a bespoke software package.
Results are:
For some years, Giro Engineering has been scheduling all production processes with a homegrown scheduling based on Microsoft Excel. De facto, these were two systems which weren’t linked with each other: one for the CNC scheduling and one for the fuel injection pipe manufacture.
Jonathan Stent, Production Director of Giro recalls:
“The entire process was awkward to manage. There was lot of manual work, prone to errors. Also, we didn’t have a consistent nor a comprehensive view of all our orders and resources.”
Giro Engineering
“Our planning and scheduling of resources is hugely improved through just plan it.”
Giro manufactures sheathed fuel injection pipes for the marine market. They have a wealth of experience in the bespoke design of these complex systems and have the capability to ensure your requirements are met.
Giro’s design team utilize class leading computer software to create products that are compliant with the latest SOLAS regulations.
Giro’s attention to detail is endemic throughout the company. We are proud of our product documentation and trace-ability which has proved invaluable over the last 30 years.
Consequently, Giro aimed to replace Excel with a dedicated scheduling software package that would combine ease-of-use with the power of automatic scheduling. The fact that just plan it was able to meet these requirements became obvious imminently. Jonathan concludes:
“We were able to sample the software. It was apparent within a short space of time that the just plan it product had the flexibility and ease-of-use we needed to greatly aid production planning and control.”
Giro Engineering started with defining their job templates in Microsoft Excel and uploading them from there. While doing so the team successfully applied a pragmatic 80-20 rule and hence could use the software productively quickly. Jonathan confirms the rapid implementation:
“The just plan it team helped greatly. Within a relatively short time we had entered templates for the vast majority of our products and could start scheduling our shop productively.”
As of now, the team at Giro uses just plan it daily to control all production work as Jonathan summarizes:
“We use just plan it daily and rely on it to control all production work. We have multiple users but have split the system over two sections allowing two users to monitor and control output from two separate sections of the business.
Our planning and scheduling of resources is hugely improved through just plan it.”
With the comprehensive view of the entire production schedule and the capability to quickly react to unplanned incidents, Giro Engineering can run the shop smoother … resulting in happier clients.
Jonathan Stent states:
“We have improved delivery performance considerably to the point many of our customers enjoy a 100% on time delivery performance (rolling 12 months).
We have also been able to improve throughput by merging split batches designed to be built at a future date - JPI allows us to see whether combining these jobs can be managed in the time available.”
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